Cuddle Up with the Best {Cook}Books for Fall

Fall Cookbooks

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Back to It

Hey friends!

Woah! Where’d we go?!  It’s been a while since we posted!

We know…we’re sorry and we’re back to post for you again.  Long story short, big ole Life messed up the good vibe we had as my life got crazy and I left my job and Shleck’s got turned upside-down, working an overnight shift.  This blog has been calling to me from the area of my brain I’ve shoved it to as I’ve been desperate to keep up with stuff, and I’ve really missed it, so…

We’re back to it – back to posting stuff we love that we hope you will to!

Here are a few things we’ve been up to in the meantime ~

pictures for back to it post

xo shleck&holls